- Mustafa Kemal Atatürk -
"Türkiye Cumhuriyetinin, özellikle bugünkü gençliğine ve yetişmekte olan çocuklarına hitap ediyorum: Batı senden, Türk'ten çok geriydi. Manada, fikirde, tarihte bu böyleydi. Eğer bugün batı teknikte bir üstünlük gösteriyorsa, ey Türk Çocuğu, o kabahat da senin değil, senden öncekilerin affedilmez ihmalinin bir sonucudur. Şunu da söyleyeyim ki, çok zekisin! .. Bu belli. Fakat zekânı unut! .. Daima çalışkan ol..."
Selected Publications
1. Books
Basak Bak, The Right of Revocation in Copyright Law (Turhan 2016) (ISBN: 9786053130246)
2. Book Chapters
•Basak Bak, ‘Voice Cloning of the Deceased: Terra Nullius in the Deepfake Realm’ in Thomas Bennett and Rebecca Moosavian (eds), Deepfakes and the Law: Challenges, Responses, and Critique (Routledge 2025). (forthcoming)
•Basak Bak, ‘Social Acceptability of Data-Driven Health Research: Participation, Legitimate Interest and Public Trust in Berengere Legros (ed), Acceptabilité Sociale et Mutations des Droits de la Biomédecine et de la Santé, pp 287-297 (LEH Edition 2024).
•Basak Bak and Armagan Yuksel, ‘Artificial Intelligence’ in Armagan Yuksel, Basak Bak and Selime Arslanova (eds), Futurist Law. AI, Biobanks and Food Capsules (Aristo 2018), pp 5-37. (ISBN:9786052332382) (50%)
3. Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
•Basak Bak & Rebecca Nocella (2023) ‘Unveiling Copyright Law Double Bind through Pragmatist Feminism: Adult Content Creators as Authors’ Porn Studies, 10 (4), pp. 431-451. ISSN: 2326-8751. (50%)
•Basak Bak (2022) 'Reviving a European Idea: Author's Right of Withdrawal and the Right to be Forgotten under the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)' (2022) 19 SCRIPTed 1, pp. 120-149.
• Basak Bak, ‘The Right-of-Way under Electronic Communications Law as a Special Kind of Predial Servitude’ (2018) 67/4 AUHFD, pp 657-697, (ISSN: 1301-1308).
•Basak Bak, ‘The Legal Status of Artificial Intelligence with Regard to Civil Law and The Liability Thereof’ (2018) 35 TAAD, pp. 211-232. (ISSN: 13096826)
•Basak Bak, ‘A Review on Divergent Approaches Concerning Moral Rights of Authors in Continental European and Anglo-Saxon Legal Systems’ (2018) 140 Terazi, pp. 14-24. (ISSN: 1306-9802)
•Basak Bak, ‘New Provisions and a Review of Publishing Agreements under the Turkish Code of Obligations Numbered 6098’ (2012) 25/101 TBBD, pp. 13-30. (ISSN 1304-2408)
•Basak Bak, ‘Compulsory Patent Licensing for Pharmaceuticals’ (2011) 69/3 ABD, pp. 106-126. (ISSN: 13009885)
•Basak Bak, ‘Stock Market Option Contracts’ (2009) 64/4 AUSBF, pp. 39-75. (ISSN 1309-1034) (cited more than 58 times)
Selected Presentations
Basak Bak, ‘Generative AI and the Copyright Conundrum’, Framing IP Rights in Legal, Economic, and Cultural Settings, University of Swansea, 12-13 June 2024.
Basak Bak, ‘What If Neither Laborious Nor Creative? Conferring Copyright to Generative AI’ The Biennial Modern Studies in Commercial Law Conference. Embedding Innovative Technologies into Commercial Law: Challenges and Opportunities, University of Reading, 28 September 2023.
Basak Bak, ‘Social Acceptability in Scientific Research’, Colloque international pluridisciplinaire : Acceptabilité sociale et mutations des droits de la biomédecine et de la santé, University of Lille, France, 28-29 June 2023.
Basak Bak, ‘Introducing the Elephant in the Room: The Copyrightability of Adult Content Creations in the UK', Sexuality Studies Association Conference 20-22 May 2022.
Basak Bak, ‘Authorship in Musical Works’, International Conference on Critical Debates in Social Sciences (ICCDSS), Izmir Democracy University, Izmir, 5 – 7 October 2018.
Basak Bak, ‘Towards A New Era in Human-Machine Interactions: Personality and Liability Issues of Artificial Intelligence From A Private Law Perspective’, Artificial Intelligence and Industry 4.0 IP Law Summit, Ankara University, Ankara, 12 February 2018.
Basak Bak, ‘Personality and Liability Issues of Artificial Intelligence’, 7th Congress on AI from a Consumer Law Perspective, Institute of Consumer Law, Istanbul, 23-24-25 November 2017.
Basak Bak, ‘A New Era in Law of Persons: Electronic Personhood’, 6th International Congress on Current Debates in Social Sciences, Istanbul 14 – 16 December 2017.
Basak Bak, ‘Intellectual Property Protection in The Turkish Food Sector’, 2nd World Conference on Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Istanbul University, Istanbul, 12 – 14 May 2017.
Basak Bak, ‘A Comparative Analysis of Copyright Laws of the UK and Turkey’, International Workshop on Intellectual Property Law in Perspective of Economic Growth and Wealth Creation, Izmir, 16 – 19 August 2017.
Basak Bak, ‘The Right of Withdrawal in Distance Contracts’, Socio-Int15- 2nd International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, Istanbul, 8 – 10 June 2015.
Basak Bak, ‘Patentability’, World Conference on Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (WCTIE 2015), Istanbul University, Istanbul 28 – 30 May 2015.
Basak Bak, ‘Publishing Agreement’, Symposium on New Code of Obligations, Ankara Bar Association, 7 November 2012.